Russian Baby Boy Names

Russian Baby Name Generator

Unique Russian Boy Names & Meanings


Afonasei (immortal)

Afonasii (immortal)

Afonka (immortal)

Afonos (immortal)

Agripin (wild horse)

Akim (Jehovah raises up)

Albert (Noble, bright)

Alek (defender of mankind)

Aleks (defender)

Aleksandr (defender of men)

Aleksei (defender)

Aleksey (defender)

Aleksi (helper of man)

Aleksis (helper of man)

Alexei (Defender Of Man)

Alexey (defender)

Alik (defender.)

Aloyoshenka (defends mankind)

Aloysha (defends mankind)

Alyosha (Famous warrior)

Ambrosii (immortal)

Anastasii (resurrection.)

Anatolii (From the East)

Anatoliy (sunrise.)

Anatoly (sunrise.)

Andrei (Manly, Brave)

Andrey (Manly, Brave)

Andriiandrii (Man, warrior)

Andrusha (Manly)

Andrya (Manly)

Anisim (Profitable, useful)

Antinko (inestimable)

Anton (invaluable.)

Antoniy (Invaluable )

Antosha (inestimable)

Anzor (free derivative from georgian anzawir)

Apollonii (Of Apollo)

Apostol (Apostle, messenger)

Aramazd (good and wise god.)

Aristarkh (Best ruler)

Arkadi (Of Arcadia)

Arkadiy (of Arcadia.)

Arkady (of Arcadia.)

Arkhip (Master of horses)

Arseni (Virile)

Arsenii (virile.)

Arseniy (virile.)

Artyom (safe and sound)

Avgustin (venerable)

Avicknash (name of lord ganesha, one with no obstacles)


Bogatir (hero or warrior)

Bogatyr (hero or warrior)

Bogdan (Given by God)

Bogdashha (gift from god)

Boleslav (large glory)

Bolodenka (peaceful)

Boris (Short, wolf)

Borislav (Battle, glory)

Borya (Fighter)

Boryenka (fighter)

Bronislav (glorious protector)


Chernobog (black god)

Cheslav (lives in a fortified camp)

Czar (emperor derived from caesar)

Czernobog (black god)


Daniil (God is my judge)

David (Beloved)

Dazhdbog (give-me god)

Dema (calm)

Demyan (To tame, to subdue)

Desya (moderate, sober)

Dima (loves the earth)

Dimi (loves the earth)

Dimitre (derived from dimitri, earth-lover)

Dimitrios (Variation of dimitri, earth-lover)

Dimitry (derived from dimitri, earth-lover)

Dmitr (derived from dimitri, earth-lover)

Dmitri (loves the earth)

Dmitrii (loves the earth)

Dmitriy (loves the earth)

Dmitry (loves the earth)

Dobrashin (goodness)

Dobrushin (goodness.)

Dorofei (gift of God)

Dorofey (gift of God)


Edik (wealthy guardian)

Efim (holy, piou)

Efrosin (Joy, mirth)

Egor (a tiller of the soil farmer)

Ermolai (people of Hermes)

Evgeni (well born)

Evgeniy (well born)

Evgeny (well born)


Fabi (russian form of fabian bean farmer)

Faddei (courageous)

Fadeaushka (derived from fadey, bold, brav)

Fadei (courageous)

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Fadeuka (derived from fadey, bold, brave)

Fedar (gift of God)

Fedir (gift of God)

Fédor (gift of God)

Fedot (God-given)

Fedya (gift of God)

Fedyenka (russian form of theodore gift from god)

Feliks (happy or lucky)

Feodor (gift of God)

Feodosiy (god-giving)

Feodot (god-given)

Feofan (manifestation of Go)

Feofil (God-friend)

Feofilakt (God-guard)

Ferapont (Servant, worshiper)

Filat (God-guard)

Filipp (lover of horses)

Fjodor (fedor, fiodor)

Florentiy (blossoming)

Foka (seal)

Foma (twin)

Fredek (peaceful ruler)

Fyodor (gift of God)

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Gav (worships god)

Gavrel (worships god)

Gavrie (man of god)

Gavriil (man of God)

Gavrilovich (worships god)

Gavyn (worships god)

Gedeon (cutter down; hewer)

Gennadi (noble)

Gennadiy (noble)

Gennady (noble)

Georgii (Earth-worker, farmer)

Georgiy (Earth-worker, farmer)

Georgy (earth-worker, farmer)

Gerasim (old age)

German (from Germany)

Germogen (born of Hermes)

Gervasii (spear servant)

Gleb (God, heir)

Goga (Earth-worker, farmer)

Gogil (golden-eyed duck)

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Gogol (golden-eyed duck)

Gora (earth-worker, farmer)

Gorya (earth-worker, farmer)

Gregori (on the watch)

Grigori (watchful; vigilant)

Grigorii (watchful)

Grigoriy (watchful; vigilant)

Grigory (watchful; vigilant)

Grisha (watchful; vigilant)

Guga (Earth-worker, farmer)

Gugal (golden-eyed duck)


Hedeon (destroyer tree cutter)


Iakov (supplanter)

Ieronim (holy name)

Igor (bow warrior)

Igoryok (farmer)

Ilari (Joyful, happy)

Ilarion (Joyful, happy)

Ilariy (Joyful, happy)

Ilia (the Lord is my God)

Ilie (the lord is god)

Illarion (joyful; happy)

Ilya (the Lord is my God)

Inna (strong water)

Innokenti (Harmless, innocent)

Innokentiy (Harmless, innocent)

Ioakim (Jehovah raises up)

Ioann (God is gracious)

Iosif (God shall add another son)

Ipati (Most high, supreme)

Ipatiy (Most high, supreme)

Ippolit (horse-freer)

Irinei (peaceful)

Iriney (peaceful)

Isaak (he will laugh)

Isai (God is salvation)

Isay (God is salvation)

Isidor (gift of Isis)

Ivan (God is gracious)


Jasha (supplanter)

Jaska (supplanter)

Jeirgif (russian form of george farmer)

Jenica (god is gracious)

Jermija (god will uplift)

Julij (descended from Jupiter Jove)

Julya (youthful)

Jurg (russian form of george farmer)


Karolek (strong)

Karp (Fruit, profits)

Kazimir (commands peace)

Kenya (Harmless, innocent)

Khariton (Grace, kindness)

Kir (Master, ruler)

Kirill (lord)

Kiryl (noble)

Klavdii (lame)

Kliment (gentle and merciful)

Koldan (sting)

Kolenka (of the conquering people)

Koloda (log)

Kolodka (little log)

Kolya (victor of the people)

Kolzak (slippery)

Konstantin (steadfast)

Konstantine (constant)

Kostenka (constant)

Kostya (steadfas)

Kuzma (Beauty, order)